11 Tips for a SLOW Bedroom-Sonoma Style

11 Tips for a SLOW Bedroom-Sonoma Style

At the end of the day the place we truly let our hair down is in our bedroom.  Whether you are single, married, a child or an adult, the bedroom is the place where we nourish our bodies and minds through sleep…in fact the only opportunity for complete rest and regeneration occur during sleep.   Statistics show that restful sleep has a deep impact on our overall health and wellbeing.  And we know that sleep deprivation is the cause of numerous health problems, including increased stress, heart disease, depression, suppressed immune systems, obesity, fatigue, diabetes and high blood pressure.

All this and more inspires us to  create a space to sleep in that is restful, nourishing and supportive of a truly good nights sleep!  And…of course it should be beautiful.  What can you do to help create a beautiful sleep environment?  Here are 11 tips to keep in mind when you do create a Slow Bedroom that is personal to you:   

1. Mood: This room above all the others should create a mood or a vibe that makes you relax and feel good.  Luxurious, romantic, simple, serene and/or restful…I don’t care if you are single or a team…feel good in your space!

2. Neutrals: Color is one of the biggest energetic fields in a room.  However, for many people neutral is the only way to go.  Look for a  re-surgance of warm grays to create cool serene feel, and of course, earth tone neutrals to add a feelings of warmth.


3. Color: Being a personal advocate for color as a vibe enhancer, there is an abundance of color that also works well in the bedroom…from purples and lavender shades, to turquoise, sunny yellows and oranges…and green continues in all shades. 4.  Open to Nature-Large windows, well ventilated: Windows play a much bigger roll in the bedroom these days…helping to let in natural light and in aid of good ventilation…there is nothing like a window to expand your horizons! 5.  Luxury: bed sheets rule!  Thread count, color, print and pattern all set the stage for creating a mood and inspiring the overall feel of the bedroom.  Beautiful accents in lamps, rugs and soft down quilts, also aid in creating that feeling of luxuriousness when we enter our bedroom. 6. Mixing it Up: It’s all about how you combine individual, disparate elements.  As we simplify our lives and get back to what’s core to our values, it only makes sense that there will be a renewed importance placed on communities, or tribes.  Ancestral or tribal accents in art and through the use of different textures is key.  Taking old and new, mixing it together helps to create a unique and personal feel in your space. 7. Casual but Chic: not necessarily “country”, there is a big push to a casually pulled together look…it almost looks like you just got out of bed.  It feels natural, and often depicts the texture and colors of nature.  There is no formality or uptightness about these rooms.  Simply, you want to come in, throw yourself down on the bed and relax! 8. Small but Organized-Convenience: After a long day or busy workweek, people want to relieve stress and bedrooms are reflecting that by providing the ultimate in comfort, convenience, and  well thought out space. One great example of this is adjustable beds that make it easy for each rooms resident to recline at different angles to watch the fireplace, read, take the pressure off an aching back, or just for enjoying a light breakfast in bed…individually or together.  Lamps and other items are being moved to where they are the most convenient to reach and easy to read by.  In small spaces especially, everything has a place and everything is in its place, and arranged so as to be pleasing to the eye.  Such is the glory of a small but convenient and beautiful space! 9. Quiet Seating Areas: In larger homes where space allows, sitting rooms in matching calm and serene decor have become standard.  These spaces are quiet and relaxing. Items, such as computers and televisions, are being completely removed from the space or are smaller and kept in custom closets to keep the relaxed feel of the space. Fireplaces and balconies allow the option of having a romantic evening, even with a full house. Sitting rooms are designed so people can sit, read a book, and enjoy a glass of wine…solo or with special company.  It’s a place to retreat to at the end of a busy day. 10. Technology in the Bedroom-preferably NOT: In this day and age, living at the speed of technology, the last thing you want in your bedroom is a reminder of this daily reality…consciously or sub-consciously.  Keep technology out of the bedroom completely if possible.  If you are a teen, living in a dorm or in a very small space, that is sometimes not possible.  In that case, the more you can keep your technology turned off…and I mean completely through a power strip etc…the better off you are!  And of course out of sight.  I believe that many of our sleeping issues come because our brains are on information and electromagnetic wave overload.  We just can’t keep up and our brain simply short circuits.  Therefore, the best is to keep electronics out of this one room completely.  Second best…shut it all off during the night (I recommend a power strip, because even shut down, if it’s still plugged in it is sucking electricity, causing higher bills and emanating emf’s) .  In this category I include computers, TV’s, cell phones, cordless phones, electric alarm clocks etc. If you have to have these things in your room and even if you do shut them down, there are products that will help to absorb some of these EMF’s that linger and infiltrate your sleep state…Gia Wellness is one such company…and salt crystal lights also help to absorb some of these waves.  Be sure to nurture yourself through your environments, especially in your bedroom.  A good nights sleep  will help you function better in your world every day! 11. Lighting: Now here I am going to be a bit sacrilegious and not advocate for florescent bulbs…I know, I know, they are better for energy savings, but not so good to recycle, what with the mercury…plus they do emit emf’s.  But, the lighting in this most special room needs to be soft and subtle.  And, the harsh white of florescent just doesn’t do it…even the warm white.  So, in this one room I still like incandescent lighting…pink bulbs are great as we all look better with some pink on our skin, and any overheads should be on dimmers.   Keep the bedside tables well lit for reading purposes.  Three way bulbs work best here.  Light corners where ever possible to avoid having “dark” spots.  I often use small floor floods on top of armoires, on the floor behind chairs etc.  This helps to create romantic mood lighting when only these corner lights are on.  Soft, subtle and romantic is key for your Slow Bedroom.

Here are some inspirational photos to get you started!  Enjoy…




  1. Inspiring post Irene! Standing in my bedroom now deciding how many of your tips I can bring to life with what I already have. Long overdue, thanks for the push!

  2. vage 11 years ago

    I have gone ahead and included a hyperlink back to your
    internet site from one of my clientele requesting it. We have used your blog URL:
    https://irene-turner.com/2010/09/10-trends-slow-bedroom-via-santa-rosa-interior-design/ and blog title: 11 Tips
    for a SLOW Bedroom-via Santa Rosa Interior Design


  1. […] a room primarily used for another purpose.  This can work, but carefully.  As I talked about in Slow Bedroom, I am anti office of any sort in the bedroom due to the electromagnetic fields of technology.  But […]

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