West Edge Design Fair-#Clever

West Edge Design Fair-#Clever

Recently I attended the West Edge Design Fair in Santa Monica. While still in it’s infancy in it’s second year, it was one of the best curated shows I’ve ever been to.

West Edge Design Fair 2014-I was there!

West Edge Design Fair 2014- yes, I was there!

Attending as a blogger with #BlogTourCali we arrived early and had the place practically tour ourselves to check out before it got to crowded.

West Edge Design Fair 2014-Santa Monica Hanger

West Edge Design Fair 2014-Santa Monica Hanger

With the weather as fabulous as only it can be in California in October, we had plenty of time to enjoy the indoor outdoor fair.

Enjoying the indoor outdoor West Edge Design Fair 2014

Enjoying the indoor outdoor West Edge Design Fair 2014

And of course, I had the opportunity to tour the fantastic vendors with their new and innovative products, most of which are designed to enhance our quality of life in our homes; and they definitely fit in to living life Sonoma Style™! Here’s a highlight of 3 booths that tickled my fancy as they played into three home trends that I am passionate about, and are what I call…#clever:

  1. Sustainability-from environmental to economical, sustainable products are coming out in force.
  2. The Smart Hometechnologically savvy homes that can help make life easier and also aid in the first trend…sustainability.
  3. Downsizing, or as I like to call it, Rightsizing our homes-product and/or furniture that actually fit in a smaller home or apartment.

The first company is Blackbody Oled lighting. From France, this company set up the center showcase at the entry of the West Edge Design Fair, and set the mood for the entire event.

Blackbody OLED lighting-the showcase piece for West Edge Design Fair 2014

Blackbody OLED lighting-the showcase piece for West Edge Design Fair 2014

OLED, or Organic Light Emitting Diode, is akin to a sheet of light and is one of the most efficient light sources today.Durable, slim, light weight, no heat, the light source comes in the form of a slab, in many different shapes and sizes and is rethinking residential lighting, in size, shape and application in very #clever ways.

A Blackbody OLED light wall-West Edge Design Fair 2014

A Blackbody OLED light wall-West Edge Design Fair 2014

OLED falls into the sustainability home trend, as it can be directly recycled and in fact one of the most environmentally friendly light sources available today. With a longer life then an LED bulb, and the ability to be flexible, the possibilities are endless.  

Blackbody, flying ribbon light-West Edge Design Fair 2014

Blackbody, flying ribbon light-West Edge Design Fair 2014

The Second Company I want to highlight is Top Brewer which was showcased by Purcell Murray Portfolio.  Now, there is no need to keep a coffee machine(s), coffee pot, filters, a bean grinder, beans, a coffee scoop, or milk on a countertop or in a cabinet. Not only is this perfect in your kitchen, but think coffee bar in a master bedroom suite or guest cottage. #Clever don’t you think?

Top Brewer at West Edge Design Fair 2014

Top Brewer at West Edge Design Fair 2014

Get the perfect cup of coffee each time by programing exactly what you want through your iPhone or iPad…even from across the room.  You can expect every cup of coffee to be prepared with accurate bean extraction at a stable temperature for superb taste, ground to perfection in less than 1 second. And…the countertop is clean, clutter-free and no wall space is required! You’ve got to love modern technology that’s #Clever.

And the last look is at Resource Furniture. This terrific and innovative company represents furniture designed and manufactured in Italy, all with the intention of being multi functional, that fit a smaller footprint (read rightsizing homes) in a sustainable way from the manufacturing to the delivery,with 100% client satisfaction. WOW. Below, a very quick video of a fabulous idea for a flat screen TV cover…gotta add it to my list!

Each piece, whether furniture, or accessory, serve multiple functions and operate easily and effectively. Plus, they look good as they do so. The best piece of news I heard is that they will soon be opening up a showroom in San Francisco…all the better to service Sonoma County Clients! Couldn’t you see these systems in a guest house or guest room that serves multi functions?

Queen Size Bed System from Resource Furniture-West Edge Design Fair 2014

Queen Size Bed System from Resource Furniture-West Edge Design Fair 2014

Resource Furniture is a proud sponsor of Graham Hill (founder of TreeHugger) and his collaboration with  LifeEdited in designing an ultra-low-footprint, ultra-high-efficiency apartment that offers many functions — a home office, a guest room, a large dining table for a party of 12, and lounge space for eight — all in 420 square feet. This was a project I fell in love with about a year ago, and just now found out they collaborated with Resource Furniture. #Clever for sure! Check  it out.

All in all, this is just a brief glimpse at some of the great vendors displaying their wares at the West Edge Design Fair. Stay tuned for more product reviews that will enhance your quality of life as together we build a complete “Well Designed Life” Sonoma Style™!

Cheers from Sonoma County

