Thanks to My Father!

Thanks to My Father!

My Dad right around the time he and my Mother were engaged

Sunday, June 19th is Fathers Day. And, while I attribute my passion for beauty in all forms and for my career as an Interior Renovator and Designer mostly to my Mother, I attribute my love of travel, international views and love of the new and innovative to my Father.

My father is Chilean born, of English and Chilean descent. He married and brought my German mother (yes I’m a mutt) to New York to attend engineering school at NYU, and I came along 9 months later. That was the beginning of our travel…we moved 11 times the first 10 years of my life, including Europe. That alone taught me to feel comfortable anyplace I go, and perhaps why I adapt more easily then most to change!   

the NYC days

Once my father graduated from school as an engineer he proceeded to work in sales which took him around the world. From Russia (during the cold war period) to Egypt, Asia, Europe, South America and of course across the US. It was pre Skype times, but he always brought back postcards, photos and other memorabilia that made these far off and exotic places feel close to home and easily accessible to us.

Our family, I’m the oldest on the right

His instilled in me his love of travel, inspiring me to take my first  job as a fashion trend director. This introduced me to the joy and experience of working and visiting such places as Paris/London/Milan or Amsterdam three times a year for the fashion shows; Hong Kong/Seoul/Singapore for imports; as well as bouncing across America from NY to LA and Seattle to wherever I lived at the time, like I was jumping in a taxi. This exposure to the world influences my design projects today, as I work internationally from Toronto to Cabo San Lucas, NYC to Hawaii, and Europe is next.

Traveling to Egypt for business…and fun!

While my father is retired now, he still keeps in touch globally by reading 8 different newspapers from Al Jazeera, to Haaretz, the NYTimes to the Chilean paper, all on line. When I don’t have time to read for myself, I know that if I call my father most likely I can get a global perspective on some hot topic of the day.

The other thing my father gave me is a love for all things new and innovative. Besides reading his newspapers on line, at 80, he is on Facebook and twitter, and is craving an ipad. He doesn’t even have a land line phone at this point, just his cell and skype. His love of travel has not abated either. As I am posting this blog, he is on his way to Portugal with my mother and his youngest grandchild. He’ll have to read this when he get’s back or at an internet cafe!

My Dad now

All in all, I am lucky with my parents. Both, because they have exposed me to my love of all things beautiful, with the world as my oyster; and, that they are both alive, together and are still a great anchor in my life today.

Dad, I’m proud to call you my father. Happy Fathers Day… from daughter #1!

What do you remember most about growing up with your father. What has he influence in your life today. I invite you to share your comments below, and thanks for stopping by.





  1. What a nice tribute. Just get him an iPad as a thank you gift!

  2. samba 14 years ago

    yur a wonderfull daughter, god bless yu

  3. Viola 14 years ago

    Irene another great tribute. You must be a writer….oh thats right, you are! Can’t wait to read your first published book…..Coming Soon!!!!

  4. claudia 14 years ago

    Remeber me sweet memories of my Dad too.
    Thank you for sharing


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