Happy New Year-2014

Happy New Year-2014

Wishing each and everyone of you a Happy New Year-2014! Will you be setting goals for the New Year? I will, and here is my thought process…

Wishing you a Happy New Year-2014-image via Justina Blakeney's blog

Wishing you a Happy New Year-2014-image via Justina Blakeney’s blog

Yes, it’s that time…Happy New Year-2014. Each year, more and more of us set goals that never seem to reach fruition. We want to loose weight, make a lot of money, be kinder etc… Why do we not reach most of them? Perhaps because we try to hard for the first month that we burn out and just go back to our old ways. Or perhaps they are not goals of our heart, but rather what we think we should have?

I’ve been incredibly fortunate that 2013 was a good year for me and my family, and 2014 is shaping up to be even better. With an upcoming change in how I do business (announcement to be shared at a later date) and travel to India (on my bucket list), plus the potential for a lot more travel, all weighs into the fact I think 2014 will be a great year.

And yet, I do still want to set some goals that will help enhance my quality of life. A friend on Facebook shared an article on goals for 2014 that felt so right to me that I am adopting it as my own! Here it is, verbatim and I thank Rebecca Butler on MindBodyGreen for this great list that rings true for me in my heart.

1. Stop trying.

As soon as you stop trying, things become far more accessible. I’m not saying don’t do your best; doing your best is essential. But stop striving. Stop scheming. Stop attempting to control. Once you take on a struggle-free approach, things become so much easier.

2. Meditate daily.

Even if you can only carve out five minutes, still make the time to meditate. It allows you to get centered. It allows you to focus on what you’d like to create.

Meditate-image via Huffington Post

Meditate-image via Huffington Post

3. Be creative.

We are meant to create. It’s the energy of life that moves through us. Don’t hesitate in your creation. If it’s never been done before, all the better. If no one else understands, take that as a marvelous sign that you’re on the right track. Let yourself be in creation. It makes your soul happy.

4. Mindfully set your intentions.

Move throughout your day setting your intention proactively in each segment. In this manner, you will find yourself in a constant state of presence. You will not fall into a reactive mode and then wonder how you got there. You won’t spin around in circles desperately trying to get things done. You will simply set your intention for the next phase, then proceed, full of joy and curiosity about how it will unfold.

5. Stay in gratitude.

Start and end your day with a gratitude list. List anything that comes to mind, physical things, emotions, experiences, people, sounds, smells, sensibilities, actions — little and large. There is no wrong answer. And then let go of everything else. Treasuring our lives means being in a constant state of appreciation.

Gratitude is a Practice-image via

Gratitude is a Practice-image via “Things that make me happy” on tumbler

6. Don’t be afraid.

We all have fear. Mostly, we fear pain, and given that most of us are safe in our daily lives, our fear is usually of psychological pain. We fear embarrassment, disruption, and change. We fear losing love or gaining weight. We fear pimples and empty bank accounts. We fear so much. If you stop allowing fear to dictate who you can and cannot be, you become far braver day by day. Learn to accept that pain is just another experience in life, and stop allowing fear of it to rule your behavior. You will become so much more connected to your true essence in this journey.

7. Accept that some things will work out on their own.

You cannot control how it’s all going to work out; you can simply accept that it will. Let go of the need to know the details. Let go and just believe. Believe that everything is going to be OK. Because it is. Everything is going to be exactly as it should be. Because it will.

Cheers to the New Year!- image via Coco Kelley blog

Cheers to the New Year!- image via Coco Kelley blog

So, put your best foot forward, be in gratitude, release the fear and decide to make this your very best year…Cheers!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!




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