Beauty Uplifts the Soul

Beauty Uplifts the Soul

‎”To love beauty is to see light.” Victor Hugo

“The heart suffers when it cannot see and touch beauty, but beauty is not shy it is synonymous with existence.” Hafiz

People often ask me why I love talking about beauty. To me, there’s no doubt that beauty uplifts your spirit and your mood! It can stop you in its tracks and allows you, to relax, breathe, and re-balance your self in that moment.  It is inspirational!

A simple flower floating in a bowl-via design sponge blog

Once thought to be an indulgence, I now believe that beauty is crucial in this world to energize, nourish and uplift yourself.  In design I am always inspired by beauty in any form, and I believe that we must approach beauty wholistically, looking at life as a whole. To this end we need to see, enjoy and create beauty through:   

  • Accessing the beauty, flow and healing powers of nature
  • Tasting and enjoy local organic foods, superb wine and clean water
  • Developing a sense of your own personal style
  • Surrounding yourself with divine inspiration
  • Feeling a sense of wellness and well being
  • Experiencing the wonders and oneness of the world when traveling
  • Appreciating and supporting simplicity and sustainability
  • Enjoying inspiring art
  • And, designing a welcoming home, and a stimulating work space

Personal Style-via The Sartorialist blog: Mercer Street, NYC

Beauty is one of those intangible elements that speaks to our spirit, uplifts the soul and makes people feel good.  When surrounded by beauty it is generally difficult to maintain negativity.  It almost always makes us want to stop just to breathe it in.  Natural beauty is filled with grace and style.  And as an interior designer I believe it should be an intrinsic part of our space, whether our home or our work space.  Beauty is not formulaic, but rather personal to each of us.

Another way to experience beauty is to take what I call beauty breaks throughout your day especially when you are “too busy”.  A beauty break is about taking a moment to savor the simple beauty within our own environment and the nature around us…dwelling on beauty that we often no longer see as we focus on the rigors of daily life.  It can completely refresh us in the midst of our busy day.

Beauty in your home-home of James Andrew

Again, putting our attention on beauty, even for a moment, uplifts us. If we surround ourselves with beauty in all forms, be it good food, good wine, friends and family, a home that sustains us and nourishes us, a life of gratitude, music, and other various expressions of the sweetness of life, we will ennoble ourselves as well as our environment.

a gift from a child-via Darcy Nichole photography

So, open your eyes and give yourself the gift of beauty. Beauty is everywhere and in the simplest of things, a gift from a child, the changing of the seasons, a flower floating in a beautiful bowl…a photo on the side table placed just so, a small light that casts a glow over favorite books, a private place to nap, a vase with branches of fall leaves.  You can find it in the country, the city, in your home and always in nature.

Beauty in Nature-from my collection-Sonoma County

What do you do to give yourself the gift of beauty? What beauty inspires you? I’d love to hear. Leave me a comment below and I will include your idea with link back in a future blog, and thanks for stopping by.





  1. Lynne Whiteside 14 years ago

    I have beauty in my life everyday when I take my dog, Eva, to the park. This time is precious because, firstly, it gets me away from the computer and secondly because I need to breath in the surroundings. Nature is truly a healing element for me, in nature I can be very present and know that ‘everything is going to be fine’.

    • Author
      Irene Turner 14 years ago

      Exactly Lynne, you got the beauty break down pat. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your lovely and thoughtful comment

  2. Joseph 14 years ago

    There is so much that is beautiful. The classical guitar concerto I’m listening to at the moment is one, as is any of the old masters, really. I just was on Sam Maloof’s Furniture site. Wonderful furniture carrying on the inspiration of the master himself. And Sam was beautiful. His generosity of spirit was nothing short of amazing. Other people I have met on the Internet from time to time are beautiful. The way I designed and laid out my yard. Watching the sun set from the raised deck. The love of my wife who continues to love me for me. Life itself.

    • Author
      Irene Turner 14 years ago

      Joseph, you have the soul of a true artist. Life is beautiful and we are so fortunate that we see the world through a lens of beauty rather then the ugly and negative. I wish we could give that gift to those who don’t have it. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Beauty is so important. It allows your soul to spread it’s wings. And you are right there is beauty all around us, we need to open our eyes to it.

    • Author
      Irene Turner 13 years ago

      So glad you understand this Rosie! And your name say’s it all, doesn’t it? as does your Icon


  1. […] your space, and your mind. What that looks like varies for everyone. For some it can come in the simple beauty of a bud vase and flower, for others they may have a wall of family pictures that evoke spirit. […]

  2. […] of architecture, music, poetry and art itself, I would also add that I believe it is important to surround ourselves with beauty in our everyday life, especially in our […]

  3. […] is a little bit of beauty™, and between the scent, and the lovely blooms can transport you with it’s beauty for […]

  4. […] yeah…right up my alley. I believe that beauty uplifts people‘s spirit and their soul. Without beauty, the world is a dark and dreary place. Beauty […]

  5. […] Beauty, in all forms (just in case you didn’t know that yet)! […]

  6. […] me, one of the easiest ways to be with spirit is through a little bit of beauty. Beauty is one of those intangible elements that speaks to our spirit, uplifts our soul and makes […]

  7. […] often ask me why I place so much emphasis on beauty; well, beauty inspires me. And it’s a known fact that living in the midst of beauty uplifts […]

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